What People are Saying About Diana
I have worked with Diana on Sebastopol's Map-Your-Neighborhood Program for a mere 12 months. She has backed me up with well-reasoned ideas, collaboration without ego, and a vision fixed on the results. There are many who volunteer to serve, but they are unable to put others before self. Diana's heart and passion for our City is cut from the same cloth as first responders: Others before Self. I support Diana and seldom "play" in the political arena. But for her, I make an exception. She is what Sebastopol deserves. Go Diana! — Stan Green
I wholeheartedly endorse Diana Rich. She has contributed much to our community. — Oren Noah
While a member of the Board of Directors of the Sebastopol Community Cultural Center I had the opportunity to work closely with Diana and was always impressed with her dedication and organizational skills. Her love and care for the Sebastopol Community was always evident. After she retired I had the privilege of sitting in her seat as the Interim Director of SCCC and saw first hand how well organized she left the Center. As further testimony to her professionalism and character, after her departure she was always available to assist in any way she could to ensure that her transition was as smooth as possible. Diana would make a great addition to the Sebastopol City Council. Derek A. Forman — Derek Forman
Choosing the town of Sebastopol to live in was one of the best choices I ever made. Diana Rich was my first friend here and I still believe she embodies all the values that make this community SO special - Love of nature, love of neighbors, and love of grace in living. — Peter Coyote
I totally respect the work of Diana Rich. She brings a lot of comittment and joy to Sebastopol. — Clare Najarian
Diana would be an excellent addition to the council. She and her family have lived in Sebastopol for over 20 years. This, along with her active engagement in local matters (volunteering, working for local non-profit organizations) gives her an intimate knowledge of our community and its needs. She is a grounded individual who strives for transparency and accountability. This articulate and thoughtful person has, and will continue to work collaboratively with others and not compromise her ethics. Anyone who has met and worked with her says that she is a great listener, communicator, and is an excellent member of any team. In the challenging times that lay ahead for all of us, we need another leader like Diana. Please vote for her in the upcoming election this November. — Alan Murakami
Diana is an astute woman and is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Sebastopol. — Jim Corbett
Diana is always willing to step up in times if need in our neighborhood. She has donated so much time and energy to issues that are important to our Sebastopol community. Her enthusiasm, genuine care and commitment to others is unsurpassed. I highly recommend her for our Sebastopol City Council. — Dr Patricia Padilla
Diana is clear, compassionate, and warm no matter what she is doing. She brings amazing organizational skills ito any project she is involved in . Where ever she goes things will happen and be done well with enthusiasm. I cannot think of a better person to have on our city council to bring a well rounded, intelligent and professional perspective on city issues. — Michaela McGiverbn
I have known Diana for decades and can attest to her intelligence, capability, and integrity among many other of her other positive characteristics. Her background as a lawyer has helped her develop strong analytical and communicative skills. Her administrative experience includes her leadership position at the Sebastopol community Center, from which she retired in 2017. She has been a resident of Sebastopol for many years and is well grounded in the community. She is a wonderful listener and seeks diverse opinions. I believe she will be an outstanding choice as your council representative. Stephen Rich MD Chief of Medicine, retired 2016, The Permanente Medical Group, Santa Rosa — Stephen Rich
Diana has the best interests of Sebastopol at heart. She is eminently capable and qualified for this position. She will be a fair, reasoned voice for our town. — John Rich