VACCINATIONS - For West County Residents 75 or Over, Starting Mon Feb 1.
Location: At Analy High and Guerneville School.
This is a completely legit opportunity for anyone in West County who is 75 or over. I’ve confirmed this by text with Supervisor Lynda Hopkins.
Please note that there Is some information out there suggesting that this West County vaccination site is open to over 65 who are educators or childcare providers. I've checked with Supervisor Lynda Hopkins directly, just now, and she has confirmed that it is ONLY for those 75 and over, with no exception that allows educators or childcare providers who are younger to get appointments.
Bottom Line is that if somehow the system allows anyone under age 75 to get an appointment, those will end up being cancelled. (This is what happened with the
Rohnert Park site: many well-meaning honest people (many of them friends of mine) who were in the Over 65 group signed up for vaccinations in Rohnert Park because the appointment system allowed them to do that..and made it look legitimate…only to have their appointments cancelled later on. It was really really disappointing for them.) Please remember the Rohnert Park experience if this appointment system seems to allow you to make an appointment in the Over 65 group. The County has made it really clear that it is focused on getting the Over 75 group vaccinated first.
But if you're a West Sonoma County resident and you're 75 or over: Get an appointment ASAP!!! CLICK HERE.