RV Village - Accountability and Enforcement
The Staff Report from the December 7 meeting is HERE. It includes the full Agreement, which incorporates a detailed Scope of Work as Attachment B.
Accountability and Enforcement of Violations/ Dispute Resolution: As a general response to concerns raised by the community, we urge you to be fully aware of the provisions embedded in the Agreement that provide for continuing input by community members, and oversight and enforcement by the City. These are the provisions agreed to by SAVS and the City Council, largely in response to concerns of the larger community. These provisions provide the “teeth” that should reassure the community about accountability and enforcement. Importantly, many of these provisions were developed and insisted upon by the Ad Hoc Committee as a result of input from the community.
First, please recognize that the Agreement specifically obligates SAVS to meet and respond to the needs of neighbors, the School, and the larger community. This is clear in a number of provisions. First, SAVS is required to meet and respond to "the needs and concerns of the immediate neighbors and greater Sebastopol community.” (Preliminary Provisions, paragraph #14. Page 22 of the Scope of Work; page 40 of 50 in the Staff Report). There is a similar mandate stating that SAVS will "meet specifically with school representatives and will follow up and address their concerns and needs throughout the existence of the RV Village.” (Preliminary Provisions, paragraph #16. Page 22 of the Scope of Work; page 40 of 50 in the Staff Report.) Finally, the contract clearly states SAVS's recognition that "excellent relationships with the neighbors and the community at large are essential." (Security, paragraph #3. Page 25 of the Scope of Work; page 43 of 50 of the Staff Report.) These are all foundational contractual terms that create an obligation on SAVS’s part, and provide the basis for consequences if these obligations are not met.
Secondly, the Agreement provides specific ways for the community, including the school, to submit concerns and suggestions, and to have them resolved. The first method for input and resolution of issues is the 24/7 help line, which will be accessible to anyone in the community. SAVS Operational Responsibilities, paragraph #1; page 42 of 50 of the Staff Report. The second is the Community Advisory Committee, which SAVS "will organize and meet regularly with a Community Advisory Committee that will assist in monitoring activities at the Village and reporting to the larger neighborhood of interest. This Community Advisory Council will meet as frequently as the Community Advisory Committee feels is needed, but at minimum once each month.” Preliminary Provisions, paragraph #15. Page 22 of the Scope of Work; page 40 of 50 of the Staff Report. The City and SAVS urge members of the community to commit to being on the Community Advisory Committee.
Third, the Agreement explicitly provides a dispute process. The Agreement specifies that "concerns of neighbors or the greater Sebastopol community” are subject to the disciplinary process. It’s clear that those concerns can lead to discipline, including the ultimate consequence, expulsion from the Village. Resident Rights and Responsibilities, paragraph #3. Page 26 of the Scope of Work; page 44 of 50 of the Staff Report.
Fourth, the Agreement gives the City of Sebastopol final enforcement authority. SAVS is obligated to perform all services "in a manner satisfactory to CITY.” Scope of Services, paragraph 3.a. of the Agreement. Page 8 of 50 of the Staff Report. To the extent services (including the obligations to neighbors, the School, and the greater Sebastopol community) are not met “in a manner satisfactory to CITY,” the contract termination provisions are triggered. Termination, paragraph 2.a. of the Agreement. Page 7 of 50 of the Staff Report.
Fifth, the Agreement includes substantial reporting obligations. This is important because the reports will be submitted to the City Council, and will be accessible to the public. They are required quarterly, and involve substantial detail, including, for example, descriptions of security incidents, reports of conflicts or complaints, descriptions of significant safety or rule violations, and a report on neighbor and community outreach. Preliminary Provisions, paragraph #4. Page 20 of the Scope of Work; page 38 of 50 of the Staff Report. Supplementing this requirement, SAVS is obligated to inform the City within 5 days of any significant safety or rule violations that could “lead to temporary or permanent suspension from the Village.” Preliminary Provisions, paragraph #5. Page 21 of the Scope of Work; page 39 of 50 of the Staff Report.
In sum, anyone in the community who has a concern or problem associated with the RV Village will present those problems or concerns either directly to Village management via the 24/7 help line or to the Community Advisory Committee. Any problems not resolved by Village management directly or through the Community Advisory Committee will be referred to the Village/SAVS disciplinary process. If at any point in the process SAVS's handling of the situation is not satisfactory to the City, the City has the power to terminate the Agreement.
To volunteer to be on the Community Advisory Committee, contact Adrienne Lauby, president of SAVS, at adrienne@sonic.net.