Best Books of 2021
Why are books important? A personal perspective. I'm in my first year as a City Councilmember, and it's been wonderful but challenging. A major challenge has involved my commitment to do what I feel is right for the town, even in the face of criticism. As I realized quickly this year, the reality is that doing the right thing can be a surprisingly lonely path, and can really get in the way of the natural human need to "belong."
In the midst of this realization (which I admit was fraught with some emotional moments), I read Braving the Wilderness, a 2017 book by Brené Brown. It was an eye-opener. It's all about being true to your principles, continuing to be open to the voices of others, and accepting the small (and sometimes large) rejections by others that come with that path. Why? Because to do otherwise, to abandon the work that is worth doing, in order to "belong" and be accepted, really isn't belonging at all - it's just "fitting in." It's pretending to be someone who you are not...and in doing that rejecting your own true self. And that, without doubt, is the loneliest feeling of all.
This book was a lifeline to me in a difficult time. It reaffirmed my view of myself and my commitment to doing what is principled and right. How wonderful, that one little book could make such a difference.
My point here is that a book can be a portal to so much: entertainment, enlightenment, education, fantasy, a life line in a moment of despair...and so much more. As you hold it in your hands, taking it in through your own experience, it can be whatever you need it to be.
Book Lists - Best of 2021: Below are some links to a few of the many lists of best books of 2021. Please note that this is just a starter selection. There are many many other lists out there. Enjoy!
Sonoma County Library Staff Picks
Sebastopol Regional Library Staff Picks (see list below)
Vogue The Best Books to Read in 2021
New York Times Best Books of 2021
New York Times Best Sellers of 2021
And don't forget our own local bookseller Copperfield's Books. There are book lists on the website, but honestly my best advice is to go into the store in Sebastopol and look at the staff pick's shelf and talk to the employees. They will not steer you wrong!
Sebastopol Regional Library Staff Picks