Home ❭ News ❭ 9/21: VOTING! Amazing this year. First, ALL registered voters will be mailed ballots (not just those who requested mail in ballots).
9/21: VOTING! Amazing this year. First, ALL registered voters will be mailed ballots (not just those who requested mail in ballots).
Look for your ballot the week of October 5. Secondly, as of October 6, there will be a secure ballot drop-off box available to us at Sebastopol Center for the Arts. Wow! And there will be an in-person voting option beginning October 31 at the Sebastopol Community Cultural Center. Impressive!!!
No excuses! Vote!! This image is from the California Secretary of State Voter Information page: https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/election-2020. Sonoma County’s Registrar of Voters has details about drop off boxes and in-person voting. Here’s that link: https://sonomacounty.ca.gov/.../Ele.../11-03-2020/Locations/