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11/3: PRESIDENTIAL RACE AND OTHER NATIONAL CONTESTS ARE UNCLEAR. As election night ends, Biden has 220 electoral votes, and Trump has 213...

PRESIDENTIAL RACE. From CNN. 253 for Biden, 213 for Trump (electoral votes). Needed to win: 270. These are predictions, not official numbers. The pros doing the predictions are good, but not perfect (let's recall the failed predictions in 2000 by all "experts" that Al Gore would take Florida.)
Regardless, the predictions have generally been reliable.
Regardless, the predictions have generally been reliable. Here's the remaining states to be "called," including their electoral votes, from the CNN website.
6 votes: Nevada (49.3% for Biden; 86% reported)
11 votes: Arizona (51% for Biden; 84% reported)
15 votes: North Carolina (50.1% for Trump; 95% reported)
16 votes: Georgia (50% for Trump, 94% reported)
20 votes: Pennsylvania (51.5% for Trump; 86% reported)

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