SAVS Resets the Narrative
Continued from original post...
.... the fears and anxieties experienced by those who feel the RV Village will create safety and security issues for them...will, in fact, make their lives worse. These feelings are, after all, real and painful and should not be denied.
But, second, and powerfully important, is to urge us all to take in the message that SAVS delivered on Thursday night. SAVS reminded us of the heart at the core of the RV Village plan. The goal is a simple and important one: to make the lives of those who are desperately trying to survive out there on Morris Street in their RVs and cars, in the rain and the cold, just a small bit better.
That's the heart of the matter. We who sit in our warm homes with the lights on and food in our bellies will do well to keep that clear in our minds. We need to do what we can to make the lives of others just a bit better. It's the holidays, folks, let's do a little something for our fellow human beings. Let's see if we can move forward, in this community of so many resources, with a Village that offers managed, wrap-around services for 22 of those who sit now in the cold and rain on our City streets.