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FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT! Sat Jan 23. Deadline to order food: TODAY Jan 17

I just ordered - Sushi from Sushi Tozai, but there's a Borsch Dinner from Hole in the Wall option also! The food deadline is today, but there's no deadline to register to join this event - dancing and Taiko drumming and support for our Sister City program. Registration is free (zoom of course), but you do have to register in advance. Order your dinner NOW, though, for $13 per person, pick up between 4 and 6pm Saturday, just in time for the festivities to start at 6:30pm. Plan now! Good food, great entertainment, and supporting Sebastopol's amazing Sister City program (bridging cultures is more important now than ever!). CLICK HERE to register and order food.  

Diana Rich, Sebastopol City Council
321 S. Main St. #60 
Sebastopol CA 95472
FPPC #1430199
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